
I Love To Walk In The Rain

Well hello there.. I know it’s been awhile. Ok maybe a long while. But Hej! Hi! We’re here together again!

A brief-ish update on our life: we’ve been living it.

A less brief-ish update: I don’t know man. We’ve been busy and working and cooking and trying to catch up. I can’t really say why I haven’t posted on here for so long.. I guess I don’t know why. I want this space to be fun, quirky and a behind-the-scenes look at our life, not just noise, so maybe that’s part of it. The other part might just be that my “creative energy” or whatever has been directed to other outlets. (p.s. I submitted my course work to be a Certified Restorative Yoga Teacher as well as Hatha. And I am almost finished with a Botany & Wildcrafting course. Why? Because Awesome.) Anyway. We’re here now! And I have things to say!


As previously mentioned, Christian and I have been busy. Some of it is photography, some commercial work, some just connecting and being with our families. Busy. And something we’ve both realized is, busy is LOUD. It’s noise, it’s chaos, it’s vibration and intensity. This morning we decided to go for a walk. Just our usual quick walk around the Two Harbors point, but it was raining. I put on my rain gear and we each had our umbrellas. And then: We. Had. So. Much. Fun. Whenever I get to chill in the rain (outside of a vehicle) I always picture Shirley Temple singing in whatever movie that was, “I love to walk in the rain… The lightning may be frightening I love the rain so I don’t care.” – Best ever, right? Christian was being his usual squirrely self, dancing and laughing and playing in the rain. This guy makes me laugh so much. He gets me out of my head. Oh, we gotta run around this tree branch, or we might get wet! …When it’s RAINING. Ope.. gotta jump over that puddle. Because it’s not even in our way, but it’s a puddle, so therefore…. we must jump. I need to be more like Christian. He knows how to do life.

Something Christian and I have learned to embrace in this busy season is the quiet “silence” of nature. If you’ve ever been in the Minnesota woods for any extended amount of time, you’ll know nature has it’s own version of a rock concert of sound. We just came back from completing a commercial job in St. Peter’s, Missouri. It’s an 11+ hour drive from Two Harbors, MN so we took turns splitting up the drive. Somehow, quite by accident, we didn’t turn the radio on. Not once on the drive down or back. Now, we’ve mentioned our love of music, classic 70s, 80s rock and pop. Oh yeah, we will be that couple you drive past dancing and singing along to the radio. But not this trip. We’ve never been more than an hour in the car without some kind of radio on. But for some reason, this “quiet” was what we both needed. We could chat and connect and talk and even just chill in silence. We LOVED driving through farm land – Y’all have AMAZING farms out there. Southern Minnesota was a dream. But we felt we experienced it more without the distractions. It was the definition of Quality Time.

Boat day
Family Time

Then we had busy work to do and we had to work around the crazy weather, luckily we completed the work before the rain/storm/tornado madness set in. We even made a stop in St. Charles, MO (when the rain had just started). We had a blast walking the brick streets looking at all the old historical houses-turned-shops. It was so cool! Right on the river. And we didn’t take any pictures. (What?!) We just enjoyed each other’s company. After we (finally) found an amazing coffee place – Shoutout to Picasso’s – we had a lovely caffeinated buzz while exploring. We even found a little art gallery with some truly impressive artists.

I guess if there is a lesson we’ve been learning lately it’s Patience. Patience for the moments, not rushing or hurrying to the next job or show or event or whatever. I’m not saying we’re good at it – not even close. But finding that stillness in life, that’s been a real blessing for us. I can honestly say that amidst all this crazy the world is dishing out, we are becoming so chill and connected. Christian and I are figuring out where our priorities should be and magically, everything else is fine.


I don’t really know if there is a purpose to this blog post. Maybe it’s a “Hey, did you forget about me? Can we still be friends?” Because I do enjoy writing and sharing our stories. When I know the thoughts and stories behind the art, I connect to it on a deeper level. So maybe sharing a little of our life will give you a deeper sense of the emotions behind the images you see. Christian’s art has always reflected so much of his soul, perhaps that’s why I love it so much.

Lupines make life better – Truth.

Also, If you’ve made it this far in my post, please please please send me any questions or stories you would like me to write about. I’m so ready for some fresh ideas and I would love to answer questions. (email:

Hope you all find a way to enjoy some raindrops. Watch out for the deer. x
